Hi, my name is Lukas and I'm an multidisciplinary Art Director from Berlin currently working at wirDesign. In early 2013 my best friend Max and I founded werkstatt.design a digital agency focused on individual web-, app- and coexisting printdesign with offices in Berlin and Cologne.
I also work on personal projects which are not always directly related to design. If you want to collaborate on a project, just send me an email!
Selected Press
GQ, Design made in Germany, W&V, Cosmopolitan, Abduzeedo, Use your Interface, The Trucker, nice one I like
Selected Achievements
Admire the Web, AWWWARDS, FWA, CSS Light, CSS Author, HTML Inspiration, Best CSS, CSS Design Awards, 2.5 Mil Unsplash Downloads
My current interests (in no particular order)
web3, vr/ar, kinetic design, NFTs, directing, experimental UI, 3D printing, woodworking, generative/procedual art, twitterbots and IOT devices.